Every human being is guided by an inner compass that points to the Light, revealing truth and direction in decisions.

The Light, given many names by spiritual leaders and inexplicable to science, is an invisible guide that many believe has led them to joy, success and a life of abundance. It communicates directly with every human being, exhorting them to strive for good and to renounce their natural selfishness.

All human religions and spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light differently only in form and function. Some religions refer to the Light by a name, such as God or Elohim. The heart of all religion is based on the innate desire of the human species to understand this unseen force. Even without a formal religious affiliation, every human being is naturally drawn to the Light.

Individual members of the Illuminati adhere to all kinds of personal spiritual beliefs, but in recognising that all our paths lead to the same destination, we find that the Light brings all people to ultimate unity.